Thursday, December 12, 2013

Indians in Kane County

 The Utes are Indians that lived in Kane, County Utah. They have many different kinds of clothing and they used tee pee's for their homes. The Utes is how Utah got its name.
 The Navajo's and their hut. The Navajo's make many different colorful kinds of blankets,clothing,and shoes. Their shoes are called moccasins. They live in huts made out of dirt and rocks.
The Paiute's lived in cone-shaped wickiups (especially in winter) or in the open air. Later some used tepees. They wear lots of clothes and carry their water on their backs. The parents make carriers for their babies and they carry their babies on their backs. The Paiute's hunted Buffalo and used them for clothes,blankets,and food.

1 comment:

  1. This post is excellent. Great information and great photos.
